This is a pack of 8 breakout boards for the WS2812B RGB LED, that comes in a stick. The pin pads on each breakout board are wider and allows the boards to be chained together by just dropping some solder on the pads or, if you prefer, the stick can be broken down to eight individual breakout boards.

The boards come with the decoupling capacitor and all the required pins broken out to 0.1″ (2.54mm) pads ready for pin headers.

If you are looking for individual breakout boards, we also ship those. We also ship packs of bare breakout boards and packs of WS2812B LEDs.


  • Chainable, addressable RGB LED.
  • 256 possible values per color.
  • Integrated control circuit.
  • ~800Kbps serial protocol.
  • 3.5V to 5.3V power supply.
  • No need for current-limiting resistor.
  • Mounting hole.


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Board and Land Pattern Dimensions

WS2812B LED Breakout - Land Pattern and Board Dimensions

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AK-WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Breakout – Pack of 8

A stick of 8 breakout boards for the WS2812B addressable RGB LED.


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