The AK-STM32-DIP36 is based on the Cortex M3 STM32F103T8U6 from STmicroelectronics.

Great for prototyping, this board can be plugged directly on a breadboard.

Its small design, weight and low power consumption make this board perfect for motor control units, UAVs and robotics in general.

With a maximum clock of 72MHz, the STM32F103T8U6 counts with many peripherals, as USB client, I2C, UART, CAN, SPI and with other features as PWM generator, RTC, software watchdog and others.

The board comes with its own 8MHz quartz, ready to work. It only needs 3.3V and GND!


  • MCU: STMicroelectronics ARM Cortex M3 model STM32F103T8U6 (click here for detailed information)
  • 64KB internal flash
  • 20KB of RAM
  • Runs at 72MHz
  • QFN36 package
  • 8 MHz oscillator quartz.
  • Power-ON Reset included
  • Decoupling capacitors included



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AK-STM32-DIP36 pinout

Additional information

Weight 0.030 kg
Dimensions 46.1 × 17.7 × 10 mm


Ben Wilson
8 years 2 months ago

Can the internal clock be used, or is it used by default? I’m rather confused. I’ve had a look at your lightsaber example, and it gives no indication weather or not it is using the internal clock by default?

8 years 2 months ago

Hi. You can use the internal clock (HSI), or the external clock (HSE) with the on board oscillator. It depends on the initialization code you use. The standard ST libraries allows you to select the clock source by the means of precompiler defines.
The lightsaber sound board demo uses the HSE clock.

Ben Wilson
8 years 2 months ago

Perfect. Found the everything in the “system_stm32f10x.c” I need after starting a new project in Keil:

“3. If none of the define below is enabled, the HSI is used as System clock

#if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || (defined STM32F10X_MD_VL) || (defined STM32F10X_HD_VL)
/* #define SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz 24000000 */
/* #define SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz 24000000 */
/* #define SYSCLK_FREQ_36MHz 36000000 */
/* #define SYSCLK_FREQ_48MHz 48000000 */
/* #define SYSCLK_FREQ_56MHz 56000000 */
/* #define SYSCLK_FREQ_72MHz 72000000 */

Cheers. I’ll one of these shortly.


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AK-STM32-DIP36 – STM32 36 Pin Breakout Board

The AK-STM32-DIP36 is a low cost development board that perfectly fits in a DIP36 socket.


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